Sense Perception as a WOK: Exploratory Lesson


2. The picture on the left is called a gestalt image. A technique used commonly in logos that makes the viewer “fill in the gap.” For example, the woman in this image. The right side of her face isn’t defined, it is just white, but your eyes fill in the gap and give the image form to help you rectifier the image. This image also works in another way, it depicts two things in one image. Most people first see the woman, but if you look closer there is a silhouetted man playing an instrument.

3. Hearing 9am-10am:

-Loud voices

-Calm deep voice

-High base from music

-Faint sound drops of rain

-Screeching of tires

-Sudden soft noise from speed bump


-Up roaring laughter

I thought this was really hard because it’s really hard to describe sounds. They sound more like

images rather than something that I heard. This was very challenging for me.

4. I can’t even imagine how awful having visual agnosia would be. Being able to see everything, but not being able to know what those things you were seeing were would just frustrate me. I’d rather be blind because then I wouldn’t be so irritated by my inability to identify anything. You wouldn’t be able to know who your family members were when they came to see you or even what everyday objects were. You would be helpless and unable to travel or just walk around by yourself because you were so clueless about your surroundings. This is a very interesting, but mostly sad story because it takes away one of the most important thing any organism has, recognition.

5. I adhere to the Common Sense Realism theory. It makes the most sense and is the easiest to understand. The way we see the world is how the world really is. I think that is mostly true, but not completely. Sometimes our knowledge and eyes deceive us and we think we know what something is, but we end up being wrong.

6. Our beliefs definitely shape the way we see things. For example the controversial topic of perusing stripping a profession. Some people, according to their beliefs on the topic, might think that this is an awful job to seek out, but others might think there is nothing wrong with it. Culture also plays a big part in how we see things. For example, having grown up in Hawaii all my life and having a Japanese mother, I’ve been taught to be very humble. Instead of seeing that I did a good job on something I think I did okay, so I see things in a much more negative way.  However if you were grown up in  a different household where being cocky wasn’t highly discouraged, you might view everything in a more positive way, but you will be blinded any negative information that is given to you because you think you are so great. I think mood plays one of the biggest parts in how you see things. Depending on your mood, you can see things in a more positive or negative way. When your in a good mood, even when something goes wrong you don’t really pay attention to it. However if your in a bad mood every small bad thing that happens seems to become bigger than it actually is.

7. I think that this new “perception enhancers” were a good idea gone wrong. Practically everything you do can be done on a smart phone or tablet. The only real difference between this perception enhancer and a smart phone is that the perception enhancer is more interactive. Another downfall to the enhancer is its bulky size that can only really travel around with you around your neck. Another downside to this technology is that you have to wear a green, red, yellow and blue on your fingers to control the device. Many people won’t like the bulky-ness to the enhancer or the colors you have to wear on your fingers because both are un-stylish and everything on this device can be done on a smartphone.


8. A logo that I found very interesting that used the design principles of gestalt was the USA Network, a TV channel, logo. The logo designer used the gestalt principal called closure. Closure is when a figure is not completely outlined or in-closed. This allows the viewer to fill in the missing spaces or the gaps. This principal can be found in the WWF logo, the NBC logo, the Pepsi logo and many more popular logos.

9. Smell: 5 future Technology Innovations from IBM:

I found this video very surprising. IBM says they can have a computer that is able to “smell” in five years time. First of all it is impossible to know exactly when they are going  to create new technology, especially technology that can do tasks as the speaker was suggesting. This new device can recognize by scent whether you have a disease or not. How will people be able to program computers to tell them what a disease smells like when we ourselves don’t even know what that disease smells like? Even if we did know what certain diseases smelt like, why would we need people to make computers that can smell when we can do it on our own without paying for this new, expensive technology? I think people are just so preoccupied with having a computer have the same qualities of a living thing that they have lost the real purpose of creating a device to aid people.

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